SMI Minister of Agriculture: “We need a balance. Coalitions will be decided in April”

14/01/2017 00:00

The Minister of Agriculture, Edmond Panariti, member of the Socialist
Movement for Integration, said that the answer about future coalitions
will be given by April.

“The coalition between the SP and SMI is based on a government agreement, result of April 1st. The SMI has proven to respect this coalition. In April, both parties will make a balance and they will draft the criteria which will be used in the future”, Panariti said.

Minister Panariti also complained about the funds given by the government for agriculture.

“The cooperation has been constructive so far. Certainly, there have been fluctuations, due to different opinions on somoe problems, since agriculture is among our special priorities. But there should be more funds. Although they are more than before, but we cannot go on like this, and be happy with comparisons”, Minister Panariti said.

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