SMI leader after DAS Palmer’s visit: We’ll resolve our own issues among us

09/04/2019 18:20

Te meeting of the leader of the Socialist Movement for Integration, Monika Kryemadhi, with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Matthew Palmer, lasted around 70 minutes at the SMI headquarters.

“Of course, I am not authorized to disclose the discussion we had I this meeting. Mr.Palmer expressed some options from his view, we expressed our options, from our views. Of course, they are in harmony as regards the US State Department report regarding the fight against corruption, the capturing of the state and all the other issues. It is very important to keep working for a final solution and bring Albanian transition to an end. Albania’s place is in the EU”, Kryemadhi declared.

When asked if Palmer gave any solution about the situation, Kryemadhi said: “Palmer didn’t come to find a solution to the conflict. Our issues will be resolved by Albanians, among them”, Kryemadhi said.


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