SMI: Increasing employment and exports

28/02/2013 20:05

The Chamber of Industry and Commerce started distributing a package with
propositions for improving the business climate in the country.

Nikolin Jaka, Chairman of this Chamber, handed the propositions to the Socialist Movement for Integration leader, Ilir Meta.

“There was a friendly meeting in which we had the understanding of Mr.Meta for all of our requests, all of which derive from concerns that businesses have today. This is a package that was studied carefully by the Chamber of Commerce and other associations”, Jaka declared.

“It is necessary to concentrate on the realization of economic policies that support the domestic production and guarantee clear loans for the economy, for small and medium businesses. Improving the general business climate is another major objective. The increase of direct foreign investments, as we have underlined as a priority, is very significant to guarantee a constant increase of Made in Albania exports, since this will allow the realization of the final goal, that of reducing unemployment and increasing other social standards in the country”, Meta declared.

Among the detailed requests made to political parties were the VAT removal for a series of machineries, the removal of the reference system for imports and exports, the opening of the Economic Bank for Development and removing income tax for all new businesses in their first three years of work.

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