SMI, CEZ: “International investigation will show involvement of DP ministers”

25/09/2015 14:55

The Socialist Movement for Integration accepts the challenge of the
Democratic Party to support the opposition’s initiative for an
international investigation regarding the CEZ case.

The General Secretary of the SMI, Ylli Manjani, said that the declarations of Lulzim Basha are slander and a criminal act. He said that SMI supports an international investigation, from the day when CEZ arrived to Albania and until they left, including the agreements with the DIA company.

He said that the initiative of Basha and a thorough investigation of CEZ is a catharsis within the opposition, since it would show the names of ministers who have been involved in this scandal.

The SMI declared that their political force supports any kind of international investigation and any assistance offered for decriminalization and the judiciary reform.

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