The Socialist Movement for Integration had an explosive blowing up one
of their offices in Durres. Police say the charge was small and caused
only a few material damages.
The SMI leader of Durres, Lefter Koka, accused the Socialist Party for this attack. “I appeal to the honest socialists that these situations, which we have suffered even in 1997, have nothing to do with them, but with a small group from the Revival. There is no force that can hamper us in Durres. Our opponents are Lulzim Basha and the Revival. They will be facing the force of youth. Let’s have a calm power transition”, Koka said.
The local branch of the Socialist Party said that the SMI is accusing without any investigation. “This raises doubts that the entire scenario may have been made up by the SMI, so that they can use it for electoral purposes”, says the declaration of the SP branch in Durres.
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