The Albanian State Police will publish the situation of the public
safety in a special bulletin. October, which refers to the period 17
Septmber – 17 October, shows a range of 80 criminal acts each day.
This crime is high not only for making possible their identification, but also for the number of criems that take place in Albania each day. The high number of arrests refers to the people on the run. At least 187 of them have been arrested during this month, 15 of whom were wanted by international authorities.
The list of arrests has increased, even in the narcotics traffic. 180 people have been arrested in total, 8 for drug traffic and 99 for production; another high figure registered by the Albanian police.
The economic-financial crime reached the figure of 284 people prosecuted, but this is also due to the action “End of the Craziness”, which brought the full dismantling of the Economic Anti-Crime Sector by the Minister of Interior for weak results in the past.
What remains still high is the crime against people’s life and health, with 262 cases, four of which are murders. This crime remains a problem for the Albania police.
What remains high is the fact that 93% of the crimes are solved. The Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri, saw this police bulletin in two plans: that of valuing the police and the demand that needs to be made.
The Interior Minister, in another open letter to the public, declared that they have arrested 3.6% kilograms of heroine and that only two cases of human traffic have been prosecuted. This means that the police must increase the efficiency in this area.
But what the Interior Minister sees in another increased public trust in the last month, is the fact that the State Police has been called 13.273 times.
But it is not the case for Tirana, due to the fact that the announcement report, compared with that of the public order situation, is not on the right level.
Referring to the high number of accidents this month, the Interior Minister declared that they have made an analyze to decrease their number in the upcoming months.
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