Sisters confess sex abuse by their father

04/11/2016 00:00

Under a huge physical and psychological pressure, two minor girls found
the courage to report their father for sex abuse. Their story, which
starts in Greece and ends in Tirana, is told on Top Channel by the older
sister, which is still a minor.

“He kept using violence and then banal and intimate words. We told our uncles in Greece but they didn’t believe us. We made a video with our tablet”, the older sister said.

But the family did not support them even after these evidence, so the girls were forced to leave their house in Greece and return to Albania with the hope to convince their relatives about the abuse. After failing to find support, they addressed the police.

“Our uncle did not let us start a trial in Greece. He said we should fix everything in the family. After I learned that my father had arrived to Albania, I knew I was in danger. He would make our bodies disappear, because he had told us that. I spoke to my mother but she did not believe me”, the daughter says.

Determined to continue the battle against their dad, the sisters have no more appeals for their family, but they just miss their younger brother and sister.

However, they appeal other girls that might find themselves in these situations to not be afraid. The father is expected to appear in court, with the video as the strongest evidence against him.

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