This is Valentina 40 years old, while her husband is 58 years old. For 10 years the family has lived in a rented house but Hekuran has recently found it impossible to find a job, and as a result they have been living in a tent for a year.
Kledijan, Kristan and the younger sister seem they will be celebrating the first new year of their life in this tent, that spares neither rain nor wind.
“My husband used to work, now he has nowhere to work. We have three children,” says the woman.
Journalist: How will you celebrate the New Year?
“I have nothing to celebrate, maybe if I find pasta. What to do, we been here a year in the tent. Both winter and the heat here are a horror.”
With 48 thousand old lek that they receive from social assistance, the family must be fed, heated and able to live. The sack of flour finished today, the freshly baked bread from the oven must be divided into rations for days. While lunch will be plain yogurt diluted with water.
-Journalist: Hekuran, what work have you done before?
“I did what I could, but now I’m sick, I use asthma pumps, plus my hand is sick. I cannot do hard work.”
Journalist: Where do you find wood?
“I go out and collect it the streets or in the factories, or whatever people give me. The water I fill in Vora, in public fountains. With 4800 a month it is very difficult, buying the little girl food, to buy bread, or to get something for the other children.”
This tent lacks light and water. Kledjan is in 5th grade but finds it impossible to attend online classes. With his will, he tries to learn on his own, without the instruction of the teachers. “I am in the fifth grade. Friends give me clothes for myself and my little sister. I have a wish, I want a house, because my little sister will not stay here”, he says.
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