In the last meeting for this season, “Shqip” moved in Razme, with an
episode dedicated to mountainous, cultural and seaside tourism and
environment, and also to policies of authorities to identify and create a
tourism model in which businessmen can be oriented for attracting
In the first part there were guests from the local community, who had made their tourist businesses succeed; some through hotels and some through the basic supply for this sector.
In the second part was invited the Director of Development Policies for Rural Tourism, Nevila Popa, who said that the first government decisions in this sector have been a review of the tourism law and of its development strategy. She said that the new strategy is based on three directions that do not go in the same direction, but go in parallel with each other.
Top Channel’s Chief Editor, Enkelejd Llanaj, who was one of the invited guests, mentioned the government’s policies: “The problem is with the policies. We need central and local policies to develop given sectors and then to attract foreign investors. It is important to create a new model, and this is up to the government”, he said.
“There have been investments in parks and protected areas. We have started the investments with the Lura Park, with Divjaka, the Drin Promenade in Lezhe, in Prespa and in many other protected areas. This is a good start, but there are areas that require more investments. Albania is cleaner today, but it is not clean. The Prime Minister has ordered the establishment of a directory that will have the right means to clean national axes and to plant trees. We are about to give a final solution to the waste problem. We will go towards integral management, recycling 100% of the wastes and gradually there will be no more landfills”, Minister Koka declared.
Rudina Xhunga’s talk show “Shqip” closes the cycle of eight episodes dedicated to tourism.
Razma was discussed after Korce, Himara, Ancient Durres, Saranda, Plave and Guci, etc.
Shqip started 12 years ago on Top Channel this journey to discover tourist Albania, since when there were problems for the lack of water and electricity. Then there were discussions about beautiful destinations, for the unknown tourist Albania, and today we are discussing about projects and cooperations that will connect the Alps with the rest of the country, or that will bring Gjakova to Pogradec. We are discussing other cooperation projects between Vuthaj and Valbona, and projects of farms that brought back the Albanian tradition. After 12 years, Shqip discussed the new businesses in tourism and the need to harmonize it with the environment. By the end of this edition, “Shqip” brought the Albanian product in the center of attention and the testimonies of the people who believe that tourism is the sector that will recover the Albanian economy.
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