Shkoder, SP presents program

09/03/2013 18:10

The Socialist Party gave a new dimension to the presentation of the
Albanian Revival program, through the regional conferences, starting
from Shkoder.

MPs and members of the Socialist Party National Assembly unfolded in details what the Socialist Party plans to offer to the Albanians. Ditmir Bushati mentioned the SP project “European Albania”.

He mentioned the concerning letter that was published by Top Channel, through which the Albanian ambassador in Washington protest against the lack of funds for the Albanian embassy in America. “The letter is only the tip of the iceberg, because there are many other aspects that are related with illegality and we are committed to end once and for all this bad diplomatic service. We will revive the diplomatic service by not sending funds to the lobbying companies”.

Edi Rama started his speech by saying that Shkoder, after the first next years of SP mandate will look more like the photos of Marubi rather than a DP poster. Rama commented on his opponent’s slogan, “Forward!”.

“The party in power shouts ‘Forward!’, but forward to where? Where 1 million unemployed people be much more; where rich people pay even fewer taxes, while common people pay more; forwards to leave behind the abandoned village; forward towards the nationalist appeals that send us back and create distance from Europe; forward to the closed hospital doors where people cannot get cured without money, and even if they have money, the hospitals don’t have medicine; forward towards an Albania that suffocates in garbage and wants to import others from abroad? This is going forward?”, Rama declared.

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