“The vote counting system did not work.” Lezha showed a reality that we had not foreseen”.
This were the arguments that the Central Election Commission used one week ago after deciding to count all the ballots in Lezhe and Shkoder.
The recount ended this Thursday, ending also the claim of the Republican Party that they had lost a seat in Shkoder, and also the argument of the Central Election Commission members for a massive vote deformation. Only one of the eight Zonal Election Centers had small discrepancies.
The paradox was that while the Republican Party claimed that their votes had been stolen by the Democratic Party, the recount showed the contrary and the difference between the two parties just deepened to 236 votes.
The left coalition considered this process illegal, since the Central Election Commission took this decision without the necessary quorum.
Genc Gjonçaj, representative of the Socialist Party at the Central Election Commission declared that the recount cleaned the accusations for stealing mandates with drug money.
Njazi Kosovrasti from the Democratic Party declared that the claim of the Republican Party could not be rejected, being allies of the same coalition.
While the Central Election Commission seems to have ended its mission, the result will be declared only after three days. The Kukes District is undergoing a complaint procedure at the Electoral College. The same thing is expected to happen for the Lezhe District. There are claims from the Popular Christian Democratic Party, which complained in all districts by postponing the finalization of the June 23rd elections.
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