Sharra landfill pollutes Erzen

30/06/2014 00:00

The bad smell of waste materials that have been dumped for years at the
Sharra landfill makes it impossible to stay for too long in this place.

Although there are dozens of shacks around the dump site, life here seems impossible.

Certainly that this is a landfill, not a residential area, but it also pollutes the Erzen River water.

The water filtration doesn’t work and the polluted water flows from the bases of the landfill, through a stream and then to the Erzen River.

The project of the Tirana Municipality for rehabilitating this landfill and for not polluting other spaces of the Albanian environment has failed. Dozens of tons of remains are deposited each day in this landfill, which have mainly organic wastes. The plastic wastes are taken from Roma residents or private associations for recycling.

Although this is the landfill with the best conditions in our country, the Erzen River is seriously threatened by the unfiltered waters that come from this landfill.

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