Sewage waters in Golem

13/08/2013 00:00

The road that goes to the Golem Beach is in very difficult conditions.
The number of visitors has reduced because of this road, which every
season gets blocked due to the sewage waters that flood it.

Although we are on the same tourist season the situation has not changed and the bad smell has spread everywhere.

This has made many businesses around here to have no more offers from visitors as they used to.

But what causes this? This is explained by the head of Services at the Golem commune, Sherbet Celaka, who blames the government’s unfinished investments for the sewage water implant.

The holiday makers who have paid the Golem holidays with not a cheap price do not care about whose fault it is, or even for the fact that septic holes are not cleaned often enough, and that’s why the sewage water canalization is blocked.

They want an urgent intervention of the state, or they will be obliged to abandon Golem.

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