Seven Parliament Members demand interpellation with PM Rama for EU negotiations

19/12/2016 00:00

Seven Parliament Members will request a special interpellation with PM
Edi Rama, regarding the accession negotiations with the EU.

The request was sent to PM Ilir Meta by MPs Mimoza Hafizi, Dashamir Shehi, Astrit Patozi, Nard Ndoka, Vangjel Dule, Agron Duka and Blen Blushi. They express their concern for a determined postponement of the accession negotiations.

“The Council of Ministers did not take any decision for opening these negotiations, due to failure to fulfill the five priorities set in all documents regarding our country. We are concerned that the integration matter is being postponed by creating lack of hope, insecurity and by damaging the image of Albania. Opening the negotiations with the EU is a priority of our politics. This is why we want an urgent interpellation with the Prime Minister”, the seven Palriament Members said.


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