Serbs remove Albanian monument

20/01/2013 00:00

Regardless the news that the Albanian authorities decided to replace the
monument, hundreds of Serbian police agents arrived at 5 am in
Presheva. Bulldozers and excavators arrived two hours later to remove
the monument that spurred tension between Albanians and Serbs.

The Serbian government had given a deadline for the local authorities to remove it. The second and the third were given by the Serbian Justice Ministry. The Albanians declared that this is the start of their detachment, while declaring that they had resigned from the local institutional functions.

The Serbian Prime Minister, Ivica Dacic, declared that this is a clear message that the state has to be respected. “Everything proceeded without incidents. Serbia waited enough”, Dacic declared.

Prishtina: Serbia showed hate against Albanians

The Government of Kosovo warned that such actions damage the dialogue process between Kosovo and Serbia, and it only shows that hate against Albanians is still alive and encouraged through such actions by the heirs of Milosevic’s genocide policy.

The President of Kosovo declared that this act showed a lack of will to resolve things through democratic means, such as dialogue.

The Kosovo Parliament Speaker, Jakup Krasniqi, declared that this act showed once again that Serbia is still the only country that destabilizes the region.

The Presheva Valley residents criticized politicians in Kosovo and Albania for failing to resolve the situation through the right means.

Xhelal Beqiri, father of two men who served as soldiers of the Liberation Army of Presheva, Medvedeva and Bujanoc, declared that he had obliged to leave Bujanoc on July ‘99, and has never been able to turn back after the Serbian army built barracks on his property.

“We left even our clothes in the valley, and these actions remind us of years 98-99. The political class in Kosovo and Albania were very weak with the Presheva issue. They took no measures for the monument, and even us who are here have no assistance”, Xhelal Beqiri declared.

The Self-Determination Movement leader, Albin Kurti, blamed the Serbian government for removing the monument, but he added that Kosovo’s government is also responsible.

The Kosovo Democratic League declares that this is a pressure against the remaining Albanians in Presheva, Bujanoc and Medvedeva. KDL invited the international community to pay more attention to the Albanians who live there, and who are the most discriminated in Europe.

The Albanian government reacts

The Albanian government strongly condemned the terror brought by the Belgrade authorities in Presheva, and considers this as anther proof for the albanophobia encouraged by Belgrade’s officials, and that Serbia’s official politics is still dominated by the racist anti-Albanian heritage of Slobodan Milosevic.

The Albanian government accused the Serbian government of clearly violating international conventions, such as the European Human Rights and Minorities Convention for the European Council; the European Card of Regional and Local Autonomy Convention; and the Congress of Local Authorities of Europe.

The Albanian government supports the mature reaction of the Presheva citizens and authorities, guaranteeing them that Albania has and will always support their rights.

SP, Rama:  Monument’s site must be filled with flowers

The opposition leader, Edi Rama, declared that the Serbian removal of the monument puts in clear view the shadows of the past which are still present in Belgrade.

Rama appealed Presheva Albanians to fill the monument’s site with flowers, which could speak more than the act undertaken by Serbia.

PJIU and RBA: Serbia inseminates hatred as in Milosevic’s era

The Party for Justice, Integration and Unity declared that Serbia has not left the Milosevician doctrine behind, which is based on violence against the Albanian population. PJIU appealed the Albanian government to strongly react against this action.

The Red and Black Alliance condemned the Serbian decision for removing the monument that proves the sacrifices of the Albanian nation against the Serbian racism.

RBA considers the action as a provocation and threat against the Albanians in the Presheva Valley, who woke up under the terror of the Serbian snipers and army.

The Albanian Parliament Speaker reacts

The Albanian Parliament Speaker, Jozefina Topalli, condemned the removal of the monument by the Serbian army.

“On behalf of the Albanian Parliament, I condemn the coward actions of those who removed the monument. Those actions bring the memories of Milosevic’s era. They removed a monument, but they raised the unification spirit among Albanians. The Serbian government is wrong if they think that dialogue with Kosovo will go on like this.”

BDI: Serbia doesn’t recognize dialogue as European value

The Albanian Party in northern Macedonia, Democratic Union for Integration, condemned what they called a “Milosevician act” and added that this shows that Serbia doesn’t have the will to understand the new will and that they are blocking the region’s European integration.

This party invited the Presheva Albanians to stay calm and not fall prey of provocations.

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