Serbian President: “Our stance on Haradinaj has not changed”

09/09/2017 00:00

The President of Serbia, Alexandar Vucic, declared that Belgrade has not
changed its stance against Ramush Haradinaj, but the Kosovo Serbs will
decide on their own if they want to be part of the new Kosovo

Vucic gave this comment before meeting with the Serbian List MPs of Kosovo, who will be part of the new government composed by a coalition of former KLA leaders.

The Serbian List will take the Ministry of Agriculture, which was first assigned to the New Kosovo Alliance. The NKA (AKR) leader, Behgjet Pacolli, decided to let go of this Ministry to the Serbian party, so that the Parliament could make the necessary numbers to form a majority and appoint Kadri Veseli as Speaker.

Pacolli will keep the Foreign Ministry and will also serve as Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister.

Fatmir Lamaj will lead the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Education, Labor and Social Welfare.

However, the Serbian List was not present in today’s Parliamentary Session for voting the new Kosovo government.

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