Serbian PM dreams of a free trade common market in Balkan

15/09/2016 00:00

Tension between Balkan neighbors are present, but the Serbian Prime Minister think that they may be forgotten soon and start a free trade common area.

“I am not afraid of the future, from the economic view”, said the Serbian PM for the French news agency, AFP.

we need is political stability in the region. And I am fully committed
to this”, declared the Serbian PM, reminding that cooperation with
neighbors is difficult after “not just decades, but centuries of hate
and war”.

However, he hopes there will be a free trade common
area. “My tream is to have a Customs Union with all Balkan countries. My
dream is also to have common trade”, Vucic said.

According to
the Serbian PM, this doesn’t mean a revival of former Yugoslavia, but a
common market that favors development and well being.

underlined that the difficult relations between Muslims and Christian
Serbs in the region are still a problem in Bosnia-Herzegovina, while
Belgrade keeps not recognizing the independence of Kosovo.

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