Serbian Defense Minister was not allowed to enter Kosovo for Vidovdan celebrations

28/06/2018 16:57

The Kosovo Special unit traveled north of the country as authorities stopped the Serbian Defense Minister, Alexandar Vulin, from attending the Vidovdan celebrations in Gazimenstan.

The Kosovo Foreign minister, Behgjet Pacolli, said that the Defense Minister was the only official whose entrance was rejected, without giving further details about the reasons that led to this decision.

Kosovo police was engaged today to provide security for the Orthodox celebrations of Vidovdan. Many roads were blocked in areas where there will be manifestations, such as Prishtina, Gracanica, Gazmenistan, etc.

Vidovdan is related to the Kosovo Battle, which Serbs consider in their history books as their spiritual victory. During these celebrations Serbs usually use nationalistic chants regarding Kosovo.

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