Albin Kurti chose Tirana to give messages from the Self-Determination
Movement, on the 10th anniversary of their protests, in which they
requested Kosovo borders to be respected and national unification.
Activists from Prishtina and Tirana gathered for the display of a documentary about February 10th, which showed details on protests and about clashes with the police.
Kurti said for Top Channel that the Self-Determination movement does not accept the recent pressure coming from Brussels, which wants the Parliament of Kosovo to accept the new border line with Montenegro.
“EU has two requests for lifting the visa regime with Kosovo. The first one is fighting organized crime and corruption in higher levels, and the second is passing the demarkation with Montenegro. The second request is unfair, because Montenegro had its visa regime lifted, and they had no condition to accept any border with Kosovo”, Kurti declared.
Top Channel: Will there be tear gas in the Parliament of Kosovo again, or will you change your stance?
Albin Kurti: This is not up to us. This is up to the government. We hope no agreement will be signed that damages our territory and makes Kosovo lose natural resources and beauties.
Top Channel: What if the agreement is returned?
Albin Kurti: That agreement is dead and we will not allow it to be revived.
Top Channel