The candidate for Democratic Party leader, Eduard Selami, confirmed the
concerns about an unequal race. He promised that if elected, the
Democratic Party will have a new statute which forces leaders to resign
in case of a loss.
According to Selami, the biggest problem for the Democratic Party is that the rules of the game were broken. His model, on the other hand, will make a thorough analyze to bring rules back, together with competition and meritocracy. You will be the ones chosing who will represent you in a central and local level”, Selami said.
Lulzim Basha, on the other side, said that the Democratic Party must continue its path of right causes, focusing on free and fair elections.
Basha said that the majority coming out of the recent elections are a version of the elections of 1991, when citizens were part of fictive voting under the terror of the Secret Service.
For Basha, the Democratic Party and its plan is the only force with the moral and power to give the Albanian people the solution they deserve.
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