The summit of the of the SEECP governments concluded with a declaration
for continuing the communication, cooperation and promotion of good
neighboring relations.
Bulgaria, Moldova and Kosovo were represented by their respective presidents; Romania by its Prime Minister, while Greece and Macedonia were represented by the Deputy Foreign Ministers, showing the current level of relations with these countries.
The difficult relations between neighbors in the region, the weak balances and peace, were shown once again with the tragic event of Kumanova. The Albanian President even made a request to the other members of the Albanian government.
“The crisis in Macedonia should not escalate. Our legitimate expectancy is a quick and thorough investigation for this suspicious tragedy that shocked the innocent Albanian residents of Kumanova, and all international partners. This must not turn into an unexistent inter-ethnic conflict”, Nishani declared.
Russia has accused Bulgaria that together with Albania they are trying to divide Macedonia. The Bulgarian President made an explanation against the territorial border changes in Balkan, saying that while Bulgaria is taking the next presidency for the South-Eastern European Cooperation Process, and will focus on the regional stability.
Rosen Plevneliev declared: “Bulgaria will work for a declaration and for reconfirming the principle to not change national borders. We don’t want wars in Balkan, but peace and stability. We don’t want new borders, but we want these borders to stop being visible. We want that the sovereign choice of the Balkan people to be respected. We want people to become collaborators and not fighters”.
The Romanian Prime Minister, Victor Ponta, gave his message for a Balkan without conflicts: “We are dedicated to cooperate. Our interest is to develop the region, not to create conflicts and disagreements. Peace and stability are essential”.
The Bulgarian President and the Romanian Prime Minister, two EU representatives, asked Balkan to stay far from ethnic conflicts why they are trying to integrate, and far from nationalism.
“More connection between each other, with joint markets, transportation lines and railways. This is the only way to be together against natural disasters or terrorism”, declared the two representatives of the EU member countries who gave the message that the EU door is open, all is needed is good will and dedication to get closer.
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