Sea border conflict

06/05/2012 00:00

The Saranda Border Police has met the fishermen who complained a few
days ago about the Greek authorities interfering inside the Albanian
maritime border.

Chief Commissar Kastriot Skenderaj, head of the Saranda Border Commissariat declared that he heard the fishermen’s concerns, who have been accused by the Greek counterparts that they are fishing outside the Albanian territorial waters. He declared that the Albanian authorities are taking the necessary measures for supporting them with every official document that specifies the navigation coordinates, in case they meet any objections by the Greek authorities.

The fishermen say that they have asked the port captains to equip them with updated maritime maps.

The conflict that was born between the Greek and Albanian borders, according to the authorities in Saranda, cannot be resolved in a local level, because it is a clear disagreement for the border and it deserves a solution in higher instances between both countries. This scandal was reported by Top Channel at “Another Albania” program, by journalist Marin Mema.

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