SD: No association of Serbian communes

01/03/2013 00:00

The Self-Determination Movement accused the government of Kosovo of
putting in discussion the Ahtisari package, paving this way the path to
the creation of a third power in Kosovo.

The Self Determination Movement consider Prime Minister Hashim Thaci a traitor of the country for meeting the Serbian Prime Minister on March 4th, one day before the anniversary of the Jashari Family tragedy.

“We’re on the fifth anniversary of the KLA epopee, and exactly on that date the Prime Minister decided to meet the Spokesperson for Milosevic’s government and prepare a harmful plan for Kosovo”, declared the Self-Determination MP, Glauk Konjufca.

Glauk Konjufca and Visar Ymeri say that the association is not predicted in the Ahtisari Plan, and neither in the law for the local administration.

“The law for the local administration doesn’t make these communes part of only one national affiliation. This association has no executive competences to the level that Serbia wants, and for this they will speak on March 4th”, declared Visar Ymeri from the Parliamentary Group of Self Determination.

The Head of the SD Parliamentary Group commented the declaration of PM Hashim Thaci, saying that the association of the Serbian communes will be to the same level with NGOs.

“What NGO is made through such a difficult dialogue and a high level between the two states”, Ymeri declared.

SD says that the creation of the association of Serbian communes is the second step towards the creation of autonomy for north, because the first step is creating the development fund for this part.

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