Scenario for new negotiations? What happens if Electoral College invalidates June 18th?

10/05/2017 00:00

Electoral experts say that if the Electoral College accepts the
opposition’s request to unregister the candidate for Parliament Members,
June 18th will not be the day of Parliamentary elections, and the
situation will be unprecedented.

Clirim Gjata and Kristaq Kume, both asked by Top Channel, say that the Electoral Code has not foreseen elcetions without candidates, that’s why the law will need amends.

Ilirjan Celibashi says that the Parliament could be a solution. It may gather to pass a new regulation for deciding the new election day. However, the Central Election Commission has enough legal space to decide the election date on their own. But for this to take place, they would need to decide the new date with five votes within four weeks after the election date.

Arben Ristani from the Democratic Party has another option. If the College rules in favor of the opposition, the President could be the one resolving the situation by deciding a new date for the elections. At any case, each of the options leads to the postponing of the June 18th as the election date, leaving more room for both political forces to sit and discuss, which seems what the Democratic Party might be wanting right now.

The DP might even go back to Parliament, officially to amend the Electoral Code, but also to force the majority not hold elections on June 18th. This way, both parties would withdraw from their current positions, but without being accused by their supporters of betraying their causes.

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