Former leader of the Democratic Party, Sali Berisha two days after his December 11 Assembly has come to the party headquarters to attend a meeting with his 29 members of the Re-establishment Commission.
“We have returned to bring back the will of the Albanian people”, said Berisha at the entrance of the DP headquarters.
He said that the members of the PD Provisional Commission, elected in the December 11 Assembly, will hold a meeting this Monday at the House of Democrats, in order to discuss the future.
“As discussed by the members of the Temporary Commission of the Democratic Party, elected in the last Assembly, who have come to decide at the headquarters of the Democrats and to discuss problems of special importance. Now we are climbing up to the offices,” said Berisha.
He stated that no one will go to Basha’s office, but added: “Today we have come here to have a meeting. Basha has time until the 18th to reflect on the decisions of the most extraordinary Assembly of the nation “.
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