The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, is being investigated for falsification of documents together with Arben Ristani and Ilir Dervishi, other members of his party.
The Prosecutors upheld the “document falsification” charges, but dropped the “money laundering” ones, with the argument that Nick Muzin had confessed in the USA, and in exchange had received the right to not testify in Albania.
This argument was opposed by the third Prosecutor Kol Hysenaj, and the case went to the President of the Tirana Prosecution, Elisabeta Imeraj, who decided to replace Prosecutor Ervin Karanxha. Imeraj instructed the Prosecutors to interview Nicolas Muzin. The fate of Lulzim Basha is now in the hands of the preliminary judge that will cover the case.
This is known to the public as a “Russian funding case”. It was filed after the Democratic Party had declared 500.000 USD paid to US lobbyist Nick Muzin through companies owned by suspicious owners resulting from Russia, accusations that Basha has denied to the end.
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