Ruling coalition shows unity in Dibra. SMI and PJIU, together with SP

23/08/2016 00:00

The majority seemed united as never before in the presentation meeting of the Dibra Municipality candidate, Muharrem Rama.

SMI and PJIU support the Socialist Candidate. But, this unity also has a condition for PM Rama, and that is the building of the Arber Road. The PJIU Parliament Member, Aqif Rakipi, was the first one to directly ask the PM about the road.

Perparim Spahi, although suspended from the SMI, expressed his support to Muharrem Rama and said that the coalition is united.

The Minister of Finances, Shkelqim Cani, criticized of not doing enough for the road, said he was convinced it would be built.

PM Edi Rama used Dibra expressions to promise that he wouldn’t leave his duty without completing the Arber Road.

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