Rising temperatures bring back rainfall / What will the weather be throughout February

17/02/2021 17:53

During the period 17 – 22 February, small amounts of precipitation are expected and only in isolated areas of the Drini river basin.

2-4 cm of snow are expected in mountainous areas and light rain in other regions.

According to MeteoAlb weather service, the last 10 days of February are forecast to be mostly dry;

with only 2-3 cloudy days which will be able to produce only small amounts of rain, in the lower areas of the Drini basin.

Temperatures will increase downstream of the Drini river but will remain low in its middle and upper reaches, until next week when temperatures are expected rise. However, in the last 10 days of February, there will still be 2-3 days of cold and dry air masses from northeastern Europe, returning very low temperatures in the mountainous terrains.

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