Reuters: Albania’s EU accession negotiations may be up to Macron

04/10/2019 18:54

Despite the fact that the Netherlands has been more active in expressing its opposition against Albania’s EU accession negotiations, Reuters says that now everything could be up to the French President, Emmanuel Macron.

“The EU was due to agree on talks with Albania and North Macedonia in 2018 and then again last June. But the decision was repeatedly delayed amid heated internal disputes as it also grapples with Brexit, the first-ever departure of a member”, Reuters says.

“Germany’s previous opposition might be gone after the Bundestag last month voted in favor of membership talks with both Albania and North Macedonia. German Chancellor Angela Merkel has made it a priority as she eyes leaving her post.

“But – while the EU applauds the historic name settlement between Skopje and Athens, which had for many years blocked Macedonia’s membership bid – many in the EU are deeply worried about Tirana’s track-record on corruption.

“Following the vote in Berlin, Germany made a new, confidential proposal to the EU, which was also seen by Reuters.

“While leaving the part on North Macedonia unchanged, it gave no date for the first intergovernmental conference with Albania, instead proposing a list of more reforms to be done by Tirana before such a meeting could take place.

“They range from beefing up Albania’s courts to overhauling electoral laws to setting up a dedicated anti-graft body.

“’ Whether that could fly really depends on France,’ said an EU diplomat, according to Reuters.

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