Residents of Tirana suburbs complain about the demolition of houses affected by controversial road project

13/04/2022 20:55

Residents of Lapraka and Paskuqan on the outskirts of Tirana still face problems related to the demolition of homes affected by the Great Ring Road project. Today representatives knocked on the doors of the National Inspectorate of Territorial Defense complaining about the psychological pressure exerted on them by the inspectors of the institution.

“I do not care about politics. I do not want them to come and put pressure on me by saying ‘demolish your house or we’ll impose a fine of 20 million lek’ or them to come and demolish my house without compensation, because I have complied with the laws of the state and made the statements that they demanded.

“Taking these people by trickery, it’s not right, I have submitted the documents 17 years ago”, says Shkumbin Hasani, resident of Lapraka.

Another resident of the Lapraka area says he has received threats from state officials for taking part in the protests against the demolition of buildings.

“100 threats have come to me personally, I also have the phone messages that have come. There is a phone number from the state, I do not know who they are coming from, I am dealing with the state. Do not go in protests, they say, do not participate in the protest”, says Hasani.

The residents were received by the Deputy Chief Inspector of IKMT Guri Seferi, who said that from now on the inspectors on the field will introduce themselves with full documentation.

“Even Mr. Seferi admitted that this is not the legal line followed by the institution where he belongs. Inspectors who have been on the ground are confirmed to be in complete violation of the law. We received a guarantee from Mr. Seferi that those inspectors will no longer be on the ground and next time they will be provided with papers, with all the complete documentation “, says resident Marku.

The Great Ring Road project affects a total of 654 dwellings, of which only a part are legalized. Residents have previously raised concerns that the project has unforeseen deviations, which has increased the number of buildings to be demolished.

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