Business representatives asked the government to ease the tax burden in
some industries, in order to help the economy come out of the crisis.
The President of Business Albania, Luan Bregasi, listed the main
requests of businesses for the new tax package.
“For tourism, we demand a reduction of VAT from 20% to 8% or 10% . The average in the region is 7%. Only two European countries have a higher VAT for tourism, but they don’t have tourism as their main industry. This tax in Greece is 6%, in Montenegro 7%, in Macedonia 5%, and in Turkey it is 7%”, Bregasi declared.
According to Bregasi, another tax that is damaging business is the property tax, which was doubled this January.
“The annual property tax in Tirana was 200 ALL for square meter, and now it has turned to 400 ALL. The price and costs of annual services for fiscal equipment must be halved. No fines and tax obligations should be paid before the administrative and judiciary process is over”, Bregasi declared.
Besides the taxes that go to the budget, Bregasi said that businesses have had other payments that are benefited unjustly by private concessionaries.
“The fiscal tax for local beer and imported beer should be removed. This is not applied in any EU countries. This has a very high cost for the business and the government takes from the excise tax the same amount of money that the private concessionary takes for the fiscal stamp. The law doesn’t realize the mission for which it was created, because it didn’t bring higher revenues in the budget”, Bregasi declared.
Builders also demand easier taxes. They propose that the tax on profit for land owners and for unsold apartments should be removed.
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