Report for racism and intolerance, CoE expert,: Albanian politicians use hate speech

09/06/2015 00:00

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance ECRI, funded by
the European Council, has upblishedn the fifth monitoring report for
Albania, in which they scan all problems related to racism and

The report notes that despite the progress, Albania has still some gaps with the criminal law against racism and homophobia.

“Victims don’t have free access to legal help”, the report says.

Nadeja Hriptievschi, expet at the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, co-author of this report, declared in an interview for Top Channel that Albania has made opsitive progress, especially with the law for the Protection against Discrimination, approved in 2010.

The EC experts considers the rhetoric of the Albanian politicians as very concerning.

This is the fifth report for Albania. Is there any progress regarding the former reports?

There is positive progress, especially with the law for the Protection from Discrimination, approved in 2010. You have room at the Commission Against Discrimination. These are very important instrument to prevent and fight discrimination in Albania. ECRI has noted this as an important progress. You have made several changes at the Criminal Code. One of the good progresses was the fact that LGBT has protection. You have criminal laws to protect people with different sexual prientation. The Code of Ethics, approved by the government, is another good progress. Public officials are recommended to act according this code. The National action plan of 2010 for the inclusion of the Roma people, which also includes the Egyptian people, was also a good step ahead. Certainly, there is still more to do but there has also been progress.

The report about the fight against racism and intolerance in Albania is almost black and white. What are the positive and negative effects?

A positive aspect and one of the important facts that help the Albanian society, iis that the country has been able to secure a level of understanding between different groups, and this is positive. There doesn’t seem to be big understanding problems. Another positive aspect, it is clear that the authorities are ready to make changes, at least in the legislative aspect there have been several. However, there are still many issues that should be improved.

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