“Repeating elections in Lezhe”

26/07/2013 00:00

The Socialist Party filed a complaint at the Electoral Collage, in which they request to repeat the elections in Lezhe.

“The Socialist Party claims that the violations cause an invalidity of the elections in this district. For this reason we filed a suit and we are waiting for the verdict”, declared Koli Bele, legal expert of the Socialist Party.

The Socialist Party requested to declare invalid the elections in six polling stations of Lezhe. In four of them, according to the Socialist Party, the cause is the intimidation of the voters after the murder that took place in Lac. For the two others they claim that there are voters who appear to be emigrants and on that day they were not in Albania.

While the Socialist Party is waiting for a verdict, the Elctoral College accepted the request made by the Socialist Party legal representative, Koli Bele, for stopping the investigation of the Shkoder district process, since the result did not changed after the Central Election Commission recounted the ballots.

It wasn’t necessary to invest at the College this time, since the result has not changed. The process showed that their claims are invalid”, Bele declared.

The Socialist Party asked the interruption of the ballot recount in Shkoder, since the Central Election Commission has not the necessary quorum for opening the ballots, and the deadline for the Republican Party to request a review had expired. Now that the process is over, the Socialist Party claims that the investigation of the Electoral College would only delay the finalization.

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