“Refuse phone call data”

06/08/2014 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, declared that the
government’s decision to take the personal data of every cell phone user
is unprecedented.

He appealed the citizens to reject this authoritarian effort that, according to him, aims to make blackmails to all citizens.

“They want to hear the private conversations of whoever they want. In April, the European Court took a decision and told phone companies that they would be punished if they would save the data of private users. While our government tells phone companies that they will be punished if they do not give the private data. This is the biggest threat to the freedom of the Albanian people in these 23 years. This is being done by a person who brought crime in Parliament”, the opposition leader declared.

Closing of private universities

Mr.Basha mentioned the government decision for closing a series of private universities, which, according to him, hides corruptive and clientellist interests.

“The results of the Ministerial inspection ordered by him came out as he wanted them to be. The education is being reformed by a person that cannot stand school. Same as during the Chinese cultural revolution, they are putting unqualified people to judge the qualified ones. When the national education was looking for political support, there comes the violent hand of incapability, revenge and ignorance. This is a project that is based on corruption and clientelism, that’s why it should not be allowed to succeed.

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