“Rebirth for sport”

02/02/2013 19:50

The initiative launched by the Socialist Party two years ago, for a
rebirth of the Albanian sport, was introduced this weekend in Kucova.

Socialist MPs declared that this aims to make sport belong to everyone, and that it had become part of the political program of a party as never before.

Socialists say that the club privatizations will be made through political decisions, and that they have conceived the way how businesses will approach and more talents will discovered.

This will be done in close cooperation with Kosovo, and part of the plan is the creation of a pan-Albanian championship, which the SP has programmed two years ago and that was brought to the political scene by Prime Minister Berisha recently.

“SP has taken a political decision that has included sport in its priorities. This is a draft-program that was made by the sport experts for a rebirth of the Albanian national sports, which foresees privatization of clubs, approaching of business, cooperation with communes and what we have been demanding for two years, a cooperation with the Kosovo institutions to make unified championships in those sports where we don’t have problems from the international community, because you can’t make sport only with the Prime Minister’s declarations. We want to go to Europe, and the ratifications that are made should be respected and should be taken as model”, MP Fidel Ylli declared.

The SP has cooperated with foreign experts to eliminate bureaucratic barriers that come from international institutions for such initiatives.

“We have been very attentive. We have asked foreign experts to tell us where we are free to make common leagues in sports such as wrestling, judo, and sports in which Kosovo is developed, so that we can increase our market, our audience and then unification will come natural”, the Socialist MP declared.

The SP draft/program for sport will continue its path in other countries, as a real initiative to improve quality, to increase talents and not leave them just as electoral promises.

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