Rama’s speech at the UN

28/09/2013 00:00

The first speech of Prime Minister Edi Rama at the UN Organization
started with his challenges and commitments for leading Albania in an
important moment, the path towards the European Union.

Emphasizing that Albania is a small country but with a long story and great potential, Edi Rama declared that:

“People throughout the world might not know much about Albania, but what they think they know is not good. The film industry has not been good with us. Wag the Dog. Taken 1? Taken 2? After seeing them even I was afraid to be in Albania. I hope that one day, Liam Neeson, Dustin Hoffman and Robert de Niro can visit us and see what nice country Albania is, and feel the potential that I feel. But I am not naive. Our problems are not all created by Hollywood. Some are real and bring damage. Corruption is what leaves marks on a country as a knife would in a beautiful face. That stops legal investors and withhold progress. It doesn’t leave people think that there will be justice one day. Corruption can and should be defeated, if we want if we want to build a rule of law economy which we all need, so that we can benefit the investments that we need, the tourism that deserve our wonderful landscapes, the heritage and our welcoming people”, Rama declared.

Albania’s efforts to the EU, according to Rama, are not alone. The entire Western Balkan region is determined to continue this path, and this is even more possible now that the old conflicts have been left behind.

“I want to share with you the conviction that the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia brought a new era in the Southeastern European Region. Dialogue between them, an act of courage and maturity, showed that Kosovo and Serbia, with the mediation of the European Union, brings before challenges every country of the region so that they can be mobilized for new innovatory cooperation efforts. Not everything is easy and perfect. There are people who still think with the past. However, the prevailing truth is that Prime Ministers Thaci and Dacic have faced their responsibilities to lead the countries to the future they deserve. More than everything, now that we have a world more connected than ever, where  spaces and relations are created continuously, it is more vital to live in the new ear without waking up the old one, that of conflict and nationalism. In this sense, Albania is dedicated to peace and prosperity in the region”, Rama underlined.

From the UN, as Prime Minister of Albania, Rama made the first public request addressed to all countries: recognize Kosovo’s independence.

“To those who are skeptic, I say that the people of Kosovo, same as all other people that now enjoy complete independence after the dissolving of former Yugoslavia, deserves recognition of its sovereignty, especially after showing more than any other country of the region to be dedicated towards the human rights, the rights of the minorities, dialogue and peace. Without this dedication it would be very difficult for our region to progress towards  EU integrity”, Rama declared.

He said that he had no desire to talk about conflicts in this speech, but it was unavoidable due to the recent developments in Syria, where chemical weapons killed innocent citizens, a crime that he declared that should be punished.

“The recent usage of chemical weapons in masses is an ugly crime, a crime against humanity that should never go unpunished. Once again, although it is not clear yet, there is a hope. The Security Council passed a resolution yesterday for removing and destroying all chemical weapons in Syria, something that we are welcoming, but it should be followed by a quick and full implementation”, Rama declared.

Rama dedicated the conclusion of his 16-minute speech to the dedication to revive Albania, declaring that this needs leadership, something that he says he is determined to give.

“I have the trust and modesty to know that I cannot do this alone. There is a lot to improve and the UN is one of those buildings where you find people, individuals and governments that can learn through experience, and who can lead through a role model. We need support from our partners and friends who have the good will to be part of our path of change. Revival means a New Albania, and this is the challenge that I am facing. It will need time, determination, understanding and support from our friends and partners. It will also need good leadership, to which I am dedicated. But I know that I trust that it can be done”, Rama concluded his speech.

Earlier during his stay in New York, Prime Minister Rama held a speech at the World Leaders’ Forum at the Columbia University.

Speaking about the European perspective of Albania, Rama expressed his trust that Europe is not a destination close to us, but within us, and considered it as a process that is up to the lawmakers.

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