Socialist Parliament Member, Anastas Angjeli, says that the government
program that Prime Minister Rama presented yesterday in the Albanian
Parliament will give a new incentive to the Albanian economy.
Angjeli says that the program addresses a vital issue for the country’s development, that of orienting the economy to a new model.
“After 22 years of transition, we are facing an exhausted model that is not producing or generating stable development, employment sources, new options or strength to guarantee a stable financial future”, Angjeli declared.
Angjeli says that the program restructures the economy radically by orienting it to new sectors, mainly the producing sector, which in the next 15 years will be the locomotive of the country’s economic development.
“Manufacture, energy and agro-business, education and tourism are the sectors that will have a more important role than before, and more than the other sectors”, Angjeli declared.
Hida: Rama’s program, contradictory
Sybi Hida, former Democratic Party Parliament Member, says that the economic plan of the new majority is chaotic and full of contradictions.
“It said that the model would change by basing it on the production rather than on the demand, but on the other hand, we see that the tax policies go against this, not only for individuals but also for companies and business. Removing VAT for some products reduces the competitiveness of our goods and damages the domestic product”, Hida declared.
For Hida, the program is a summary of past populist declarations of the opposition that looks more like a list of non-realistic desires.
“Rama says that 300.000 people will be employed, but he doesn’t explain how. To reach such an employment level you need to have an economic growth of 7-8%”, Hida says.
Rama presented the economic plan in Parliament yesterday, which foresees radical changes in the economy administration and the development policies.
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