Rama: Vlore, a giant celebration

28/11/2012 00:00

Invited in the studio of Top Channel in Vlore, the opposition leader,
Edi Rama, commented the conclusion of the official ceremony and the
continuity of the celebration in the Ismail Qemali Square.

“This is a moment to express my gratitude and high consideration to the Vlore Mayor, who overcame this extraordinary challenge with great difficulties. I thank the Vlore citizens who joined with the municipality and opened their doors for the thousands of citizens who have arrived in Vlore. They were expected from Kosovo but also from other lands. No one thought that the 100th anniversary would be like this, and Albania would be united in Vlore”, Rama declared.

Asked by Top Channel if the message for a united politics was given clearly today in Vlore, Rama declared:

“I don’t know this, but I believe that we have done our homework and we keep doing it to this city, by respecting this way the state protocol, in which, after the ceremony there will be a dinner offered by the Mayor”.

Edi Rama answered to the question about the symbolic of the blue flower in his jacket.

“It’s a violet jacket, mixed with the red of our flag, the blue of the EU, and the dream of the Albanian youth”, Rama declared. The opposition leader expressed his regret that the majority avoided the official dinner.

“The official dinner in Vlore is an official and ethical obligation for all the guests. They avoided it to place wreaths on what they call the Liberation Day, when it’s known that Albanian received the independence on November 28th, and the Liberation from the Nazi occupation was on November 29th”, Rama declared.

Rama në Twitter: Historical day, chaotic state

The opposition leader, Edi Rama, wrote on Twitter his impressions about the 100th anniversary of Albania.

“The historic day, with the thrilling participation of every land where there are Albanians, had a fantastic hosting by the Albanian citizens and a chaotic organization from the state”.

Rama expressed his gratitude to the Mayor of Vlore and the Vlore residents and journalists who followed the celebrations.

Meanwhile, the celebrations organized by the municipality are still going on in Vlore.

In a live interview with Top Channel, Mayor Shpetim Gjika thanked the Vlore citizens and everyone who travelled to Vlore for the 100th anniversary of independence.

Gjika declared that the Vlore Municipality felt abandoned from the state in these celebrations, different from the expectances.

“We felt abandoned. I thought it would be different. I thought that the organization would come from the central power, but it was the contrary”, Gjika declared.

The Mayor added that the way how the celebrations were held in Vlore is a good example for the other anniversaries.

Gjika criticized the government once again for creating divisions in the organization of the celebrations in this 100th anniversary of independence. He said that the Albanians will punish with vote the division caused by this government.

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