The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, thanked the Serbian government
for guaranteeing the safety conditions to complete a mission that was
not easy.
“We broke an ice that had been formed in decades of long fights. We laid the hand of friendship to Belgrade and today we are closer than we were two days ago, although the path we have to follow for turning into real friends is longer than the path that we took these two days. Certainly, I consider this an important historic moment. In my opinion, the visit has fulfilled its goal. As for the declarations of the other side, I regret seeing the inability to see a very cleary reality”, Rama declared.
Rama gave special thanks to the Presheva Albanians.
“I guarantee our brothers and sisters of the Presheva Valley that we will always keep trying to guarantee the same rights and freedoms that Serbs in Northern Kosovo have”, Rama declared.
The Prime Minister explained the dinner with the Serbian Prime Minister.
“The dinner was the result of our persistence to sign a specific agreement and not a general one for one of the most important elements, which is also part f the Berlin process, and this agreement was for guaranteeing a mutual recognition of Albanian and Serbian diplomas”, Rama declared.
Rama reiterated the declaration made in Belgrade, that Serbia must recognize Kosovo.
“The differences are not what divide us from the Serbs, but are what divide the Serbs from their future. The sooner they recognize Kosovo, the better it will be for the Serbian people to free themselves from a great burden. They should resolve this as a problem with their past and with their future”, Rama declared.
The Albanian Prime Minister mentioned other matters of the region, saying that it will be more difficult if we take the European integration journey in divided paths.
“I hope that very soon we will start showing that we are more clear about how the region could progress as a single body and promote joint agreements in Brussels. We have suggested a new agreement for Balkan since the Berlin conference, and this means not only an agreement between us in Balkan, but also between Balkan and Europe. I believe that this will be soon in the agenda of our relations with Europe”, Rama declared.
Prime Minister Rama said Serbia as written and rewritten 17 agreements since 1978, but nothing has evern been signed. The four agreements signed in Belgrade mark the start of a process that will continue with other commercial agreements.
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