Rama: “SP will end the method of boycotting and expecting foreign partners to help us resolved it. No negotiations with DP and SMI”

03/04/2019 15:54

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, declared that the Democratic Party and the Socialist Movement for Integration are doing everything possible to damage the accession negotiations for Albania.

He promised that there will be no negotiations for the mandate of the majority, and no decision will be taken because of the protests held by the opposition. He promised that the majority would even scrap their logos.

“They may be hoping that there will be foreign negotiators to sit them in a table with us and ask us to resolve the issue. The only possible normalization will be closing this chapter that has been going on for 30 years, the one ‘I’ll leave if your stop calling me’. This is the right time to close it. Every political party in the future must think before doing this”, Rama said, adding that it will be the historic mission of the Socialist Party to bring an end to this chapter of delays.

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