The Socialist leader, Edi Rama, declared for Top Channel in Brussels
that in his meeting with the Commissioner for Enlargement, Stefan Fule,
they discussed about the responsibilities for the postponement of the EU
integration talks, and underlined that the general idea is that most of
the responsibilities belong to the government.
As for the functioning of the agreement with the Democratic Party, Rama declared that the Socialists remain skeptic and that there is no guarantee that the majority is not planning another trap for changing the elections’ result another time.
“We made a balance of this entire period that has brought a new political moment, and underlined our will to give all our contribution”, Rama declared after the meeting with the Commissioner.
“We accepted that there is a joint responsibility and that the opposition has an irreplaceable role. We also underlined all our concerns about the considerable part of priorities that are directly related with the government’s exclusive responsibility”.
The opposition leader admitted that he remains skeptical to the real purposes of the majority in this dialogue.
“We received encouragement and support for continuing this process and for giving everything that we can, so that the process may be as essential as possible and the results become concrete. We remain skeptical and we have no reason to believe that the other party has the will for not returning the process in a new trap that will end with other stolen elections”, the Socialist Party leader declared.
“We’re entitled to do everything that we can, with the trust that the high awareness of the international community, and especially of the EU, will be a big help for not allowing the past to be repeated. On the other hand, we have a ODIHR report that different to 2009, this time is clear, speaks directly and doesn’t leave space to equivocation. We are completely aware for the necessity of our new course. We also trust that the new course has found an appropriate terrain in the new political conditions, because the truth is out and no one can hide from it”, Rama concluded.
Prepared by: Arta Tozaj
Top Channel