Rama reports for CEZ settlement investigation

29/12/2016 00:00

The Albanian PM, Edi Rama, was summoned at the Investigative
Parliamentary commission to testify about the decision to take the CEZ
Distribution shares under government control. Rama said that the
settlement was the best choice, based on several factors, and that there
was no chance for Albania to win the Arbitration trial against the
Czech company.

“This spectacular solution made way for a historic change in a sector that was about to collapse, taking the entire country with it”, Rama declared.

PM Rama said that the Czech government had a harsh stance for Albania before the candidate status.

“I don’t know if the Czech government would keep blocking Albania if the solution was not resolved, but I know that there was a chance that they could veto us. There was also a chance that the Czech government would pressure other countries against us. Their suggestions, as far as I am concerned, was zero”, Rama said.

Rama also said that the settlement was greeted by the World Bank and that the former government had weakened Albania’s position at the international arbitration court.

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