Rama on French TV: “Justice reform, key that opens accession talks”

14/05/2016 00:00

In an interview for TV5 Monde, with the topic “Albania on the EU
accession path”, Prime Minister Edi Rama spoke about the biggest
challenges that our country has met in this path, and expressed his
conviction that these challenges will be surpassed within a decade.

Rama spoke about the justice reform.

“We hope that the justice reform will allow us to present our candidacy for starting the accession talks within this year”, he said.

The Prime Minister was asked about corruption too:

“It is a phenomenon that has accompanied all countries coming from the other side of the wall for the enlargement of Europe. We are fighting it each day and I am certain that we will be ready to become decent EU members within the next 10 years”, Rama declared.

Rama also commented on religious extremism, saying that Albania doesn’t feel more threatened than the other countries that are aligned against terrorism.

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