Rama: “Objective for 2016, economic growth over 3%”

30/12/2015 11:30

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, said that the government goal for
2016 is to go beyond the 3% economic growth. Rama made this stance
clear in a press conference for the annual analyze.

“We will zero the profit tax for 83.000 small businesses that have an annual turnover of 50 million ALL, and will cut taxes to half for 15.900 others with an annual turnover of 50 to 80 million ALL. This is a direct result of the operation against informality which has given us strong reasons to encourage the state-building process”, Rama declared.

The Prime Minister said that 600 million USD of debts had been paid during the past year, which had been hidden by the former government in different sectors. Rama said that the replacement of the flat tax with the progressive one increased the salaries of Albanians with 7.5%.

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