Rama: “No turning back for deep reforms”

26/11/2015 00:00

Despite the opposition’s requests, the Albanian Prime Minister, Edi
Rama, declared that the majority and the government he leads will not
withdraw from the need to build a government at any cost, and that they
will continue with the deep reforms.

In an interview given for Top Channel, Rama asked the opposition to not stay on the streets. He spoke about the communist files and the methods for opening them. Top Channel’s journalist held this interview with Prime Minister Rama:

Muhamed Veliu: Mr.Prime Minister, your government will be judged by the people after four years. Will the government reflect about what have been considered as extreme measures, especially as regards fiscal politics?

Edi Rama: “We were elected tot take extreme measures, not to continue the old habit. The Albanians, the government coalition and the strategic partnership with the SMI trusted me with the Prime Minister’s task, and not with the task of the leader who would say to his people ‘For as long that I am in power, keep eating, drinking and singing, and then do what you want. Build whatever you like, steal energy. We will liberate Albania from the cancer that it has in its system. We have the signs of a systematic cancer and our reforms will change the system. Cancer is not fought with aspirins, but with chemio-therapy and painful operations, but which are the only way to escape the agony of a society and of an economy like the one that we found. Not only we wil not back off, but we will continue stronger. There is no room for making softer measures. There is room for continuing with these measures and leave behind the Albania of dirt, chaos and equality.

Muhamed Veliu: The DP leader made nine economic requests which today were translated into 31 amends. Are you ready to discuss them?

Edi Rama: We are doing our duty, and that is in government and in the Parliament. The opposition is welcome in Parliament and we will discuss with them, but we will not interrupt our work and search for the opposition there where they have decided to discuss their amendments. I repeat, they are the product of the same vision, the same program and the same philosophy that destroyed Albania.

Muhamed Veliu: Mr.Prime Minister, are you concerned about political costs in the elections of 2015? Certainly that the reforms have been greeted by citizens, but many are not happy with them…

Edi Rama: Albania entered into this disaster because it was government for years through the philosophy ‘I will keep the power and I do not care what happens’. They governed with the philosophy that the electricity should not be interrupted, because people would not give votes. Illegal buildings should not be demolished, because people would not give votes. The rule of law should not be established, because people would not give votes. What do they need this mandates for? I didn’t ask votes to stay in government until I get an old man. I asked votes, together with Ilir Meta and the coalition, to realize what we promised. It is beautiful to listen to those things, but they require sacrifice and pain. There is no birth without pain, and there is no revival without a cost. We are ready to take these costs and if we have another mandate, we will base it on reforms that put the Albanian government on the right track.

Top Channel