Rama meets with Meta

08/05/2012 00:00

The Socialist leader, Edi Rama, declared that the meeting held this
Tuesday with the Socialist Movement for Integration leader, Ilir Meta,
was based on the SP initiative to have a communication with the
parliamentary party leaders and explore the opportunities of a
consensual president.

“When we speak about dialogue, it also means dialogue with the adversaries. Albania needs a President that will guarantee this challenge to be overcome and for receiving the EU candidate status, guarantee the independence of the institutions and guarantee the next elections. Is this possible? Albania and the Albanians want it, the US and the EU recommend it, and we will do everything we have in our hands to use all our energies for this request that comes from all sides”, Rama declared.

The Socialist leader, who was accompanied in this meeting by the Socialist Parliamentary Group, Gramoz Ruci, declared that the Socialists see this as the time to communicate with everyone and for giving what they can to pull a presidential result that serves to the country’s interest.

The Socialist Movement for Integration leader, Ilir Meta, declared for the media that the meeting with the Socialist leader was after a public invitation made by Rama, in order to discuss about the election process of the next Albanian president.

“I want to reiterate the importance of deepening this dialogue between all parliamentary actors, with the goal to fulfill some important objectives that have also been mentioned by Commissioner Fule during his last visit in Tirana, and which we have emphasized for three months, such as the conclusion of the electoral reform, the parliamentary reform, the immunity removal for high rank officials and politicians. All these three important elements should be concluded before starting the official procedures for the presidential election”, Meta declared.

Berisha’s ally in the government, Ilir Meta, underlined that the meeting was constructive and he expressed his trust that this dialogue would continue with intensity by involving all actors in fulfilling the national aspiration.

Meta also emphasized that as regards the Presidential election, the name is not what is important, but how much the process for fulfilling the reforms will be affected, so that the country can receive the EU candidate status.

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