Rama meets students at the Architecture Faculty

20/12/2018 21:08

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, met with students from the Architecture Faculty. They discussed the education budget, fees and funding of private universities.

“We will ask Albanian taxpayers to pay for Master studies as well, but only for excellent students and those treated by social welfare”, Rama said.

“The same budget will be used for the private and public education. But the private university is a business. How can they receive the same budget as the public one”, a student asked.

“The education law doesn’t fund the private education. This is a lie”, Rama underlined.

“The 5% budget is an electoral promise made by you”, students said.

“We promised it in 2013. We couldn’t realize it. In 2017 it wasn’t part of our program”, Rama said.

Professors also had complaints about the situation of universities. After hearing Rama speaking, some of the students left the room.

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