Rama makes balance of 2014, promises “a faster pace in 2015”

31/12/2014 00:00

“I wish you a happy New Year 2015. This was a difficult year for
Albania, full of challenges, but with plenty of good conclusions and
good encouraging signs for the revival that we want”, Rama declared.

Rama emphasized that the final speech of this year is not a parade of successes, but a list of what could have been done better.

Rama presented the government objectives for 2015, warning that there will be a series of reforms which he considered as favorable for honest citizens.

“I am convinced that Albania doesn’t have the luxury or the chance to slow down. Albania must hurry up more than during the past year. I will not stay on this duty for very long. I want to use the power for the reforms that should have been done during these 20 years, for the good works that should have been done, rather than focusing on staying the longest possible in power, by consuming myself and becoming, God forbid, similar to my predecessor who made the Albanians have enough of him”, Rama declared.

The newest reform that will start in January is that of social insurance.

“The new reform that will start in January is that of the social insurance. The operation will start by making public the current situation, which is unbelievable. We will establish the rule of law and we will make Albania a country where every penny that is given for social insurance actually goes for social insurance”, Rama declared.

After thanking all citizens who regularly pay the electricity, the Prime Minister declared that in January, the government will make the first balance of the operation against energy thieves. Rama said that the first results are encouraging.

“I apologize to every citizen who pays and does not receive regular energy supply. I will ask each of them for patience and understanding, because the reconstruction of this system has started and it will take its time. There are 250 million USD that will be invested in this system during the next year. Next year we will also start with a new measurement technology that will bring an end to abuses from companies and consumers alike, because the measurement will be done through an intelligent system”, Rama underlined.

Rama also made an auto-critic regarding the relations with the opposition.

“We should have been more patient with the opposition, especially in the Parliament. The majority must show more dignity as regards the opposition, which has clearly shown that their real concern was not about the reforms, but about their deserved loss of the elections, something they haven’t still been able to cope with”, Rama declared.

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