Rama: “Mafia is the sworn enemy of waste recycling”

29/09/2016 12:50

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, said today in Parliament that mafia is the sworn enemy of waste recycling.

“Albania was recycling 10% of its waste in 2013. Now we recycle 17%. This is low, but Italy also recycled 18% in 2014. The cupola of the waste mafia is now in Italy and recycling is their sworn enemy. They will do anything to stop it. When Naples is full of waste, it is time to sing agreements for burying them. If wastes are recycled, those who bury them would lose a lot”, Rama explained.

The Prime Minister said there is no reason to get concerned about the waste import. Then he addressed the opposition:

“You are unable to make a distinction between recycle waste and rubbish. The new law doesn’t allow importing rubbish and bans burning or burying the impored waste. It doesn’t allow giving licenses for importing materials by subjects that don’t own a respective factory, and no factory will import more than it can process. The law also comes when the non-recycling industry has exhausted all capacities for collecting more waste in our country”, Rama declared.

Earlier in his speech Rama had spoken about the current situation in our country:

“We never have promised to ask people to be happy. We are talking openly today, without hiding the fact that we are far from the point in which we can consider our mission finalized. When you refuse the international reports, which show the contrary of what you say for the fight against cannabis, then there’s in nothing left to say to you. The World Economic Forum had a praising report for Albania. We told to big businesses that we would raise their taxes, and we did. They were certainly better with fewer taxes, but they supported us with their vote. I’ve heard people talk about ‘left municipalities’ and ‘right municipalities’, but I don’t know what side Shkoder is, because our investments in Shkoder have been more than in every other country, from the stadium, the Marubi University and the “Migjeni” theater. This is all money for Shkoder. If the Shkoder municipality cannot answer with serious projects to the requirements for urban revival, we cannot support them”, Rama said.

The PM added there is a 3% economic growth, a number that will not make Albanians rich, but shows that the economy is growing.

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