Rama: Let us continue the transformation

18/04/2011 13:05

So that the transformation of “Kombinat” and all Albania keeps going, every citizen of this Tirana neighborhood should vote on May 8th.

These were the words that the Opposition leader and Tirana Municipality candidate addressed to the Kombinati residents during the meetings he had door to door with citizens of different age-groups.

“The big transformation that we have done to Kombinat, through which some years ago you couldn’t even pass, today is a transformation that should keep going ahead, transforming the life of each family. We are all citizens of Tirana, and for us, everyone is equal”, Rama declared.

Rama considered May 8th elections as an option in which everyone is a winner. Some citizens, one of whom honored with the “Torch of the Democracy” medal, complained about unemployment.

“I am very angry for being unemployed”, said the decorated person to Rama.
“Don’t stay unemployed on May 8th, in order to stay employed forever. You do not have a job, and you have ‘no other way’. The vote for the jobs will open the way”, Rama answered.

Meeting a group of pensioners who were playing domino, Rama did not spare the humor. “Will you leave Berisha with the ‘double-six domino’ on May 8th? The ‘double-empty domino’ too?”, Rama told them.

From the Tirana Center, Rama presented the 3D project named “Tirana, My City, Tirana Capital City and main center of the region”, which also included the launch of the new university campus project, planned to be built in Tufina, and also the city strategic plan until 2020.

Through different graphical works, Rama did a retrospective presentation of the work realized until now by his municipality, emphasizing the education of all levels.

During the detailed presentation, Rama explained the strategic plan in the focus of which lies the improvement of the city with the motto “The City where everyone moves free and safe”.

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